Social Work

The minor in Social Work is designed to equip students with the competencies for an array of generalist careers in social work with individuals, families, and communities. Students are exposed to diversity and evidence that a person’s social, economic, ethnic, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and other differences can have immense impacts on their life outcomes. In addition to gaining an understanding of social work theories and practice, research methodologies, policy analysis and advocacy, intercultural communication, and professional skills, students will also develop understanding of the importance of social justice within a liberal arts context.
Graduates with this minor are expected to be employed in an array of settings including government, legislative bodies, thinktanks, policy advocacy, mental health clinics, child welfare agencies, state social service agencies, hospitals, community organizations, and addiction treatment centers. According to BLS data, social worker jobs are projected to grow 11% – much faster than average – during 2018-28. The median wage for social workers was $49,470 per year in 2018. Community health worker jobs are projected to grow 11% during 2018-28, social and community service manager jobs are projected to grow 13% (median wage in 2018=$65,320), whereas substance abuse counselor jobs are projected to grow a whopping 22% during the coming decade.